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We look forward to worshiping with you in service.

Self-Screening Questions

Each person should answer these questions prior to attending a worship service at Cliff Haven Church. These are simply pre-screening questions to assist you in making an informed decision on church attendance. These questions are based on guidance provided by the CDC and the Alabama Department of Public Health and are subject to change.

1. Do you have a fever, or have you felt feverish within the past 24 hours?

2. Do you have a cough? Do you have a sore throat?

3. Do you have difficulty breathing or shortness of breath?

4. Do you have unusual fatigue?

5. Do you have unusual muscle pain?

6. Do you have a headache?

7. Do you have nausea, vomiting or diarrhea?

8. Do you have chills or repeated shaking with chills?

9. Have you lost the ability to smell or taste?

10. Have you tested positive for COVID-19, or are you awaiting COVID-19 test results?

11. Have you been around anyone that has tested positive for COVID-19, or someone that is awaiting COVID-19 test results?

It is important to note that, the Alabama Department of Public Health strongly encourage all people 65 years of age or older and others especially at risk of developing serious COVID-19 illness to watch or participate in worship services remotely.